As an all-encompassing building installer, Lomans works every day on efficient, sustainable HVAC systems and buildings that have a positive impact on our planet. bGrid develops and supplies technology for smart buildings with the aim of creating more comfortable, healthier and more sustainable buildings – but also with the aim of influencing the construction process by automating repetitive labour-intensive tasks, reducing costs and risks and improving quality.
Together, we strive to make better buildings. Not by adding more technology, but by making better use of what is necessary for a well-functioning building.
Karl Van Ginderdeuren, CEO bGrid:
“The meeting with Lomans started as an installer and construction partner. This felt right from the start; the vision on the products and functionalities of bGrid and bGrid’s roadmap perfectly matched the ambitions and vision of Peter and Lomans. We don’t want more, but rather less – and smarter – technology to enable a smart building, this leads to less labour and fewer risks. Technology should not be a burden or a driver, technology should contribute to realizing the vision and objectives of the project. Simpler, faster, better and cheaper. We are really looking forward to realizing ‘Smart Buildings as a commodity done better’ together!”
Peter Verhulst, Smart Building Advisor Lomans:
“Lomans are looking forward to making the installations even simpler and immediately smarter with bGrid. bGrid shows that they are ready for the future with their partners and Lomans is happy to get on this beautiful train to embark on the journey together.”