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Smart Buildings 2023

Join us at Smart Buildings 2023

Smart Buildings will take place this year in De Woonindustrie (The Housing Industry) in Neiuwegein. This year’s theme is Energy Transition, and our CEO, Karl van Ginderdeuren, will be giving a number of presentations throughout the event, as outlined below.

bGrid Update: ESG, cost savings, comfort improvement, and 20% energy savings

Karl will give an update on bGrid and some of the projects we have been working on. These include:
  • ESG reporting, with insights on your building with regard to energy, utilisation, comfort, and health
  • The expansion of bGrid to include smart functionality for room and zone control
  • The 100% validation of separate control loops to ensure functioning climate control at room-level
  • The creation of self-learning software that automatically adjusts the day/night cycle of each room according to predicted usage
This talk will take place 4 times at Smart Buildings 2023, at 10:00, 12:15, 14:00, and 15:30.

Case Study: Automatic 100% validation and ESG reporting

Karl will give a more detailed presentation of two of the previous projects. He will discuss the approach and results of the validation of climate control loops, as well as our ESG reporting.This talk will take place once at Smart Buildings 2023, at 10:45.

Case Study – Schiphol: Adaptive climate control as an upgrade in a 10-year-old building

Alongside Erik Felëus, a smart building developer from Schiphol Airport, Karl will present the approach and results of our adaptive climate control in Schiphol Airport and it’s impact on HVAC energy consumption.This talk will take place once at Smart Buildings 2023, at 13:15.

Case Study – Provincial House of Zuidholland: Automatic validation and adaptive climate control

Using the Zuidholland Provincial House as a case study, Karl will present our approach to, and results of, our automatic validation system and adaptive climate control.This talk will take place twice at Smart Buildings 2023, at 11:30 and 14:45.Will you attend Smart Buildings 2023? You can register for free here!



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