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Vodafone Ziggo

Utrecht, The Netherlands

  • 18000
  • Vodafone Ziggo
  • Dupree, Atos, Priva, ULC
  • Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • 2018
  • OCS + Design Studio
  • BREEAM certification

About this project

If you’re anything like us, your current office looks and operates completely differently to the offices of ten years ago. Employees can now work from home, from other areas of the office building, or even in other buildings entirely. Today’s office must therefore meet a new set of conditions, as current and future employees expect more than a collection of flexible space and a laptop. As a business, you want to create an inspiring workplace that employees enjoy coming to and is attractive enough to draw in new talent from the market. The VodafoneZiggo building in Utrecht was no exception, and bGrid played a key role in delivering this.

Our smart building solution consists of a grid of omni-sensing nodes which collect a vast amount of building data, including temperature, light and levels, occupancy, and more. Building managers can use this data to optimise their building. The data we collected in the VodafoneZiggo building enabled more efficient use of the office, better energy management, and faster, more efficient deployment of support staff. Building managers can also make the building more comfortable for employees. If the sun is shining on a room for too long and the temperature rises, they can immediately cool that zone back to a better temperature using the bGrid system.

The data can also be used by VodafoneZiggo employees to navigate the building, find their colleagues, and find and book meeting rooms or workspaces. For example, employees can check where their team is working as soon as they arrive in the office, or to find a less-occupied, quieter space where they can more easily focus. This saves stress on behalf of the employees and increases working efficiency. Ultimately, smart building technology enables Vodafone Ziggo to adapt the office to the wishes of their employees, resulting in a happier team and a more competitive workplace.

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